30 Days to Conquer Overwhelm

Because it's time to take charge about where you're at.

"You are where you put yourself," my spiritual teacher would say, followed by "Choose again. You can always choose again." For this reason, and as a busy yet spiritual mom who can easily get sidetracked, I have developed practices in my life to keep me focused and able to HANDLE whatever comes up in my life and keep overwhelm at bay. And as a spiritual mom and entrepreneur, this is a must!

If you've had enough of overwhelm and are ready to stop being owned by it, grab this FREE CHECKLIST to help you feel free and connected to yourself again. In it, you'll not only have a 30 day plan to get rid of one overwhelm a day, but you'll be building new muscles to keep it at bay. But wait! There's MORE BONUSES imbedded in this pretty little gift for you... including a SURPRISE BONUS worth $500, a Grace & Ease Journal, a How-to on Manifesting your Dream Life, and other fun tools to raise your vibration and change your beliefs in service to your freedom!

I'm Ready!